Why It's A Good Idea To File A Disciplinary Complaint Form Against A Lawyer

If your attorney is engaged in behavior that you're concerned about, you might wonder if you should bother filing a complaint against your attorney. After all, wouldn't doing so potentially damage your relationship with the lawyer? However, when the problems you are encountering with your lawyer are serious enough, filing a complaint might be your best course of action.

Lawyers Who Review the Complaint Are Employed by the State Bar

You will not have to worry about your attorney having a relationship with the other attorneys who are investigating your lawyer. However, there are several circumstances where the case might be closed, and you will be notified of the reason by mail.

Your lawyer has an opportunity to respond to the complaint. Your lawyer will be allowed to submit evidence meant to justify the lawyer's actions. After your lawyer responds, your complaint will be reviewed again and your complaint might be dismissed depending on the evidence that your lawyer provides. 

The Investigation

The state bar will engage in a formal investigation of your lawyer. If they can determine that your lawyer committed wrongdoing, they might put your lawyer on probation, reprimand them, suspend them, or even strip them of their license to practice law.

Sometimes You Don't Have a Choice

Your attorney might refuse to contact you and may take actions that you do not agree with. For example, your attorney might agree to a settlement without your permission. In very extreme cases, you may even feel like you need to take legal action against your lawyer. For example, your lawyer might have stolen money from you.

Filing a lawyer disciplinary complaint form can help you in filing a lawsuit against your lawyer. If your attorney faces disciplinary action, this can serve as evidence that you suffered damages as a result of your lawyer's negligence.

How to Take Further Action

To take legal action against your attorney, you will need to show that your attorney did not show the normal skill and care when handling your legal case. Losing a legal case is not a reason to necessarily sue your attorney.

You will need to prove that your attorney should have taken a specific action, the action wasn't taken, and you suffered damages as a result. This could include cases of a breach of duty, cases involving negligence, cases involving a breach of contract, or anything else that may have caused damages.
